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Browse our vast assortment of premium, conflict-free diamonds

All available cert’s through our partnered search engine.

A stunning collection of loose diamonds in different sizes and shapes, including round, princess, and oval cuts, perfect for creating unique and personalized diamond jewelry pieces.

The Jewelry Source offers a partnered search engine that provides access to all available diamond certifications. You can easily browse and compare diamonds with a wide range of certifications from reputable organizations, such as the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), the American Gem Society (AGS), and the International Gemological Institute (IGI). This diverse selection of certified diamonds allows you to confidently choose the perfect diamond for your needs and budget.

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Disclaimer: We would like to inform our customers that diamond availability is not always guaranteed. While we have an extensive network of diamond suppliers that allows us to overnight diamonds currently in their possession, please note that the diamonds shown on our website or in-store may have been sold before inventory updates. Furthermore, we would like to remind our customers that if they make multiple diamond requests, additional shipping charges may apply, which must be paid in advance of shipping. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

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